Monday, March 5, 2012

New Delhi/Old Delhi

We forgot how populated India was while being down in the little towns of Palolem and Hampi... then we landed in Delhi.

Our sickening taxi ride from the airport to Old Delhi was an hour of holding on for dear life as our driver seemed to take great pleasure in seeing how close he could come to hitting other drivers and pedestrians. It actually was quite impressive how he maneuvered, swerved and slammed his brakes all while holding his horn down.

Our first hostel was located in the "Old Delhi" part of Delhi and overlooked Jama Masjid, the biggest mosque on India (capable of holding over 25,000 people!). As it was a busy Friday evening, our taxi driver let us out on the opposite side that our hostel was to avoid the traffic jam of people, goats, mopeds, bicycle rickshaws, beggars, food vendors, ox-drawn carriages and whatever else you could think of. The scene was madness and as soon as we began to walk, the crowd swallowed us in its massive current and it was all we could do to pull out of it when we spotted the sign for our hostel.

We thought Mumbai was a dirty, smelly and polluted city. Delhi, especially Old Delhi is way worse. The smell of urine is everywhere as you walk around the bazaars. Garbage is pilled everywhere as if there is no central trash collector (actually have not seem a trash truck here yet). We have given up looking for trashcans on the streets and do as the locals... litter. In Mumbai (at least where we stayed in the nicer southern area) the streets were congested, but traffic flowed. In Old Delhi, the cycle rickshaws, push-carts and goats clog up the roads. Also, many of the roads are bazaars with all kinds of goods for sale with people spilling off the much too narrow sidewalks and onto the street. It is chaos.

I hope the photos posted will do justice to this chaotic and marvelous city. There are treasures on every street - from Kashmir tapestries to car and motorcycle parts. The street food smells, looks and tastes amazing. We tried chicken tikka - basically chicken kabab from a street vendor and also ate at a very famous Mughlai restaurant called Karims (photos for both above).

The past two nights we moved locations in Delhi to a more touristy area called Paharganj. Since our first hostel only had a bucket showers and a toilet that was a cross between an Indian squat and American (very difficult to use), we decided to upgrade and spend a little more for some luxury. For about $10 each/night, we have access for the first time to hot water, consistent electricity, clean sheets and room service! It has been paradise and really has rejuvenated our spirits for the travel we have yet to do.

Tomorrow we leave for the Thar Desert of Bikaner, Rajasthan. We plan on riding some camels and taking it easy in a smaller town.


  1. Hey Rivka! When I spoke to you last night I didn't realize that Ket's dad is from Bikaner. Ket's uncle (his dad's brother) still lives there and would love for you guys to stay at his house. Ket says it's a nice place, and obviously you guys wouldn't have to pay! His phone number is 9414967633, and his name is Latu. He doesn't understand English, but his two daughters (1 medical student/1 doing an MBA) and his son speak it well. Ket says that they would love to take you guys out and show you around. I hope that you see this in time!

    P.S.- Ket says, "Do not hold hands or kiss in front of them. Do not be affectionate at all. Also, do not tell them about me and Ket. Okay, that's all! :)"

  2. Howdy Matt and Rivka,

    I so enjoy reading about your adventures and looking at all the pictures. I feel like I get to live vicariously through you both!! Haha.... It seems like such an amazing place and such a hard place all at the same time. I am amazed at the prices for everything. I must say, at my age, I could not do a trip like this.... too spoiled and prefer the finer things in life.... as your father calls me, Becca, I am a GAP, a goy american princess!!! Ha! As far as things here, just got over a horrible bout with the flu! yuck! Even missed one of my nursing exams, which I have to make up tomorrow.... My instructor is having me meet her at a Baggins to take my make up test :) Other than that, just plugging along with school. Your dad seems to be not as cranky lately since he resigned at one office!!! About time I say :) Well, I hope you two continue to have a great time... Look forward to more posts and pictures :)

    Love you both! Take Care


  3. Thanks for the honesty guys. Your words will be invaluable if the future ever brings India along.
