Sunday, February 26, 2012

Escape the City... Down to Goa's Beaches

We decided that we wanted to get some relief from Mumbai's heat, so we escaped down to the beaches of Goa. The overnight express train was twelve hours, but it didn't seem that bad as we passed the time sleeping away our first (and hopefully only) bout of traveller's sickness.

Posted here are some photos from the beach of Palolem, Goa. We splurged a bit on our beach-front bungalow, but for $20 a night it was hard to pass up. After a week here in Goa exploring various beaches and spice plantations, we plan on going to Northern India... possibly Dehli.

It sure is nice not having an itinerary....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What a City!

Terrified. The only word that adequately describes our first day here in Mumbai. Not belonging to any organized tour to pick us up from the airport and wisk us safely to our comfortable hotel, not speaking the local language, not having any idea of what to do even if we ran into trouble... it is safe to say that we were in over our heads.

With our packs, we waddled to the long line of pre-paid taxis lined up outside the modern looking airport terminal. We told the taxi driver we wanted to go to "Fort," the name of the part of town the hostel we wanted to stay at was located. He nodded in what we hoped was understanding and thus, we began the insane hour and half journey through the heart of massive Mumbai.

Mumbai is a developing city. Construction everywhere with enormous cranes erecting even larger glass and steel buildings. However, even more noticeable is the stark constrast of slums and squatters that infiltrate the new Mumbai of any available land. Many of the slums surround these sewage "lakes" where raw sewage and garbage is dumped. (There should be a foto of one of these such slums that we took near the airport from the taxi window.) Because of the amount of garbage and raw sewage baking in the intense heat (highs around 90 F with 70% humidity), it is safe to say that that first taxi ride without AC was an experience in itself.

Because our driver didn't understand our English in the slightest, as we got closer where our hostel was, he pulled over and asked people walking on the streets to translate for us. We finally made it to the city square that was close enough for us to try and walk to find the hostel (asking the driver to find it was out of the question). We were soaked in sweat and our eyes stung from the pollution and dust from the open-windowed ride.

As walked down side-street after side-street looking through our guide book map, we were losing hope that we would ever find this elusive hostel. Finally, we spotted a tiny faded sign on a tall building down a small alley and began to climb the deserted stairs. Each foor we climed was empty. No offices or residences of any kind. Just as we were about to turn around and go back down, the Hotel Lawrence appeared on the 4th floor! An unimpressive but clean lobby fed off a hallway of only nine rooms, all of which were booked. Our plan of showing up without a reservation turned out to be an unwise one. The manager was a kind man and let us use the phone to call around to other hostels, but all claimed to be booked as well. Hot, exhausted and dejected, we were running out of options when the manager came to us and said he had a cancellation! We were overjoyed at the prospects of finally escaping the terrifying city streets and having our own beds to lay down on.

That was two long days ago... we now feel like we have this city at least somewhat under our control. We no longer feel uncomforable with the unusually long stares we both get wherever we go (Becca seems to get more than Matt), we brave the 15 Rupee street food (less than 20 cents), and have met travelers from around the world who have so many interesting stories. Our stomachs still feel a little "spicy" from the strange flavours and spices, but the taste is well worth it! Matt is especially in love with the curries and "pani puri" that is served from venders on the street. The smell we also have gotten used to, and have embraced the inescapable B.O. that comes with the heat and millions of people.

Tomorrow, we are catching an overnight train (11 hours) to the beach state of Goa for some needed relief from Mumbai. Hopefully the sands and cool ocean water will provide some relaxation after a stressful week.

Miss home (kinda) and to our parents... we are safe, do not worry!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Exhausted! We are coming close to 30 hours of no sleep! Flight to London had too many good movies to watch that we didn't sleep at all. Today we took the Tube to downtown London and saw most of the sites during our 13 hour layover. About to board the next flight to Mumbai in a few hours... both nervous and excited! Enjoyed our last toilets, Western-food, and blending in with the rest of the people. Tomorrow begins a whole new ballgame...

Friday, February 17, 2012


Our names are Becca and Matt and we recently graduated college with a desire to explore the world. It was a little over a year ago when we began discussing the possibility of traveling. It took much resolve and determination since those early brainstorming sessions to arrive at this point - the eve of our departure. Over the course of the past year, we have both graduated, worked, saved and researched the many details of travel and countries we had next to zero knowledge about.

How did we choose the countries of India, Nepal and Thailand? This is a frequent question we both have received from incredulous friends and strangers. The reasons are many, but the main two are: one, we both have never been to this region of the world and two, the prices made sense for extreme budget travelers such as ourselves.

We both have traveled before. Becca has seen England, Ireland, Italy, Israel and New Zealand. Matt has visited Mexico and the South American countries of Chile, Peru and Argentina. As we scoured the map, our eyes were both drawn to the expanse of the Asia world which we were both very unfamiliar with. We then quickly checked into the prices of touring various countries and realized how cheap it is to travel there! We made our decision and have stuck with it.

The eve before our departure, we rest one more night in a comfortable bed at Matt's parent's house in Baltimore. We reflect back to the last month of incredible change in our lives. Less than one month ago, Matt was finishing up with his job as a research assistant at the University of Arizona while Becca was busy as could be selling and donating most of our possessions. We jammed the remaining essentials into Becca's car, returned our house key to the landlord, and drove across country for the temporary stay here in Baltimore.

During our trip, we will be immersing ourselves in various cultures while experiencing a completely foreign lifestyle. Beginning in India, we will struggle through the masses where over a billion humans are jammed into a country that is about a third of the size of the US. From there we will travel north to the majestic Himalayan Mountains of Nepal where we will attempt the trek to Base Camp of Mount Everest which sits at nearly 18,000 feet. Finally, we will end in the beautiful country of Thailand that is just as rich in ancient history as sandy beaches and clear blue waters.

Just like our previous travel experiences, we know that this trip to foreign lands will expand our cultural savvy and will introduce us to ideas, customs and convictions that will undoubtedly shape us into a better and more understanding people.

Wish us luck.

We stand above in the Baltimore Harbor with our packs ready to go.